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BLOG: My Third Sleep Study

Posted: April 4th, 2023, 1:03 pm
by m00npie
“You’re supposed to have a sleep study performed every five years,” the lab technician told me last night after I mentioned it had been “at least a decade” since my last sleep study. I had my first sleep study back in 2002, and a follow-up study in 2006. As far as I was concerned, the study had been performed and we were done. I got my CPAP machine, and every three months a box full of supplies arrived on my front porch. All things considered, it was a perfect system. To maintain this system I was required to visit a… (read more)


Re: BLOG: My Third Sleep Study

Posted: April 4th, 2023, 11:20 pm
by lethargic
My doctor keeps trying to get me to do one of those. I'm like hell no. I can barely sleep in my own environment where everything is perfect. I would never sleep in a strange place with stuff hooked to me and feeling like people are watching me. She says it's just like sleeping at a hotel and I'm like exactly and the last two times I was in a hotel I never slept until I got home.

Re: BLOG: My Third Sleep Study

Posted: April 5th, 2023, 11:58 pm
by Flack
It's like sleeping in a hotel if someone from the hotel hooks up 20 wires to your face and body and then watches you sleep all night with cameras. That being said, it's a small price to pay for access to a CPAP. I love my machine -- it helps me sleep so well.