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PODCAST: Sprite Castle 060: Ballblazer

Posted: June 3rd, 2021, 7:53 am
by m00npie
It’s mano vs. mano (or mano vs. droid, or droid vs. droid) in this week’s sport of the future, BALLBLAZER Support Sprite Castle at […]


Re: PODCAST: Sprite Castle 060: Ballblazer

Posted: June 5th, 2021, 5:23 pm
by k8track
The timing for this episode is really interesting. Do you watch Jeremy Parish's videos? He released his latest NES Works Gaiden video the day before yours, featuring Ballblazer for the Atari 7800. There's just something in the air.

I remember when I got Ballblazer for the Atari 5200. It was the very early '90s, and I was buying games directly from Atari Corp. I know I still have the letter somewhere from them, saying what games they were still selling for the Atari 5200, believe it or not. They had five titles left, and I got brand-new copies of Ballblazer and Countermeasure for $4.95 each. I really loved Ballblazer for the 5200. If there was one game that was made for those analog 5200 controllers, Ballblazer was it. I was super impressed at the time. However, my heart truly belonged to Rescue on Fractalus, the other Lucasfilm 5200 game.

Man, I tried listening to a little of that press conference/commentary thing at the end of the episode, but I just couldn't get through it. Good lord.