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The Human Library

Posted: May 24th, 2018, 8:47 am
by Flack
For those of you who stop by the forum but haven't registered (and shame on you!) I recently finished a book titled The Human Library and have begun shopping it around to agents.

Here is the blurb I typed up this morning to send to a potential agent.


If you could bring any person back from the dead, whom would you choose? In THE HUMAN LIBRARY, a 75,000 word thriller for new adults, a secretive government agency has developed the ability to do just that. With the key to virtual immortality and the ability to assemble the greatest minds throughout history in a single room, the Hibrary of Congress has only one goal in mind for their growing army of clones: preparing for World War III.

A day after inadvertently jeopardizing the lives of hundreds of patients, millennial Marvin Granger is promoted “up and out” of his position at the Veterans Administration and transferred to the clandestine Hibrary of Congress, located in the middle of the Nevada desert. There, inside a mirrored black building referred to as “The Tombstone” by locals, Marvin meets several curious characters, including two who look suspiciously like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla.

Dr. Copeland, the head of Project Human Library, has developed a method of extracting people’s memories and knowledge from their DNA. Combined with the organization’s ability to print clones, the Hibrary is able to create lifelike replicas of historical figures. Marvin’s infatuation with his new job is cut short when he and his co-worker, Katie McCubbin, witness employees committing a murder out in the desert.

When Marvin discovers the clones are part of a think tank being used to prepare for World War III, he and Katie must figure out a way to put an end to the project while preventing the destruction of the irreplaceable DNA, saving the citizens of Las Vegas from a sabotaged satellite, and avoiding becoming the next victims of the Hibrary of Congress. All of these things must be done while Marvin deals with the arrival of another mysterious clone: his deceased grandfather.

Re: The Human Library

Posted: December 3rd, 2018, 3:35 pm
by Flack
The Human Library is now available as an Amazon eBook for $2.99.

Paperback and Audiobook versions coming soon.

Re: The Human Library

Posted: December 3rd, 2018, 11:13 pm
by dstone
I'm in for the paperback when it arrives!

Re: The Human Library

Posted: December 5th, 2018, 9:32 am
by Flack
I'm not widely advertising the fact until I receive a printed proof copy, but the link to the paperback went live this morning.

Order now and you might get a super-rare misprint/typo edition! :)

Re: The Human Library

Posted: December 11th, 2018, 10:03 pm
by dstone
Got it on Sunday, finished reading it last night. Loved the little nods sprinkled in there (red stapler, room 405). For whatever reason I can't help but imagine Grampy sounding like Gramps from House II: The Second Story.

Going to have to have you scribble on it sometime. :lol:


Re: The Human Library

Posted: December 12th, 2018, 6:13 am
by Flack
Wow, thanks for picking it up and giving it a read!

Re: The Human Library

Posted: May 3rd, 2019, 4:54 pm
by k8track