YDKF Episode 161: VCRs

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YDKF Episode 161: VCRs

Post by m00npie »

Title: YDKF Episode 161: VCRs
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 10:00:03 +0000
Link: http://podcast.robohara.com/?p=571

Description: On this episode of You Don’t Know Flack I discuss my history with VCRs, from the first one we got when I was 5 in 1978 to the $300 Go Video dual-deck VCR I owned. [Links] Link: Visiting the Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Site Link: What the Truck? It’s Truckhenge! Link: Greetings from the Futuro, […]
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Re: YDKF Episode 161: VCRs

Post by AArdvark »

Yet another episode that brings back so many memories! That's why I keep listening!

A bunch of years ago I aquired a video editor..(wait, let me go dig it out and take a picture)

This thing has three video inputs and one recording output. All RCA or Svideo. It's one of the projects I'm hoping to work on when I finish the basement studio. So I'd hook up two VCRs and a camera to it. It has a cheesy bluescreen chroma-key feature that was cool at the time. I used to point the camera at me in front of poorly lit blue curtains and insert myself into a movie and record the output on the second VCR. Then I'd act like I was in the movie and make fun of the characters and stuff. This was all done with cheap VHS recorders and one of the antique cameras that you described. I think it was this one:

The one movie I remember doing that was kinda funny was Apollo 13. I pretended to float around in the foreground with underwear on my head (clean underwear!) and make fun of Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon and... uh, the 'It's just game over, man!' guy. Think MST3K with really stupid robots actually in the movie, sort of.
It was a lot of work for very little payoff but it was fun.

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