Do Over

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Do Over

Post by ubikuberalles »

The other day I made sure my desktop at work had all the YDKF episodes by downloading, essentially, all of this years episodes. Once I did that, I uploaded all the YDKF to my Amazon Cloud player (I hope that's OK, Rob). Now I can listen to YDKF from either work or home without having to download the same episode multiple times. I can even listen to it on the phone, if I want.

Since my officemate has been away most of the week and because I have a lot of boring, stare-at-terminal projects lately (change root passwords on more than 100 systems, update documentation and so on) I had an opportunity to listen to the podcast while I worked. I started by trying to figure out where I left off when I last listened to your podcast during my trip to/from Milwaukee in late March. I think I was still in the middle of the "Radio Scanners" one but by then I decided, "Meh, lets start from the beginning". So I did.

I am currently listening (literally) to Episode 106 and, the episodes are still pretty much as I remembered them. Listening to the D&D was interesting in that I remembered quite a bit of it from the last time I listened to it but there were a bunch of things I had forgotten about that episode. It's been a number of years since I last heard it so I might have forgotten some stuff. A more likely reason is I didn't hear it in the first place. I'm distracted easily but usually I recognize that and press replay a lot. Yesterday, I pressed replay a LOT on the console copiers because I was really involved in the e-mail I was composing for work.

Anyway, I took some notes from the last few listening sessions.

- A lot of clicking sounds in episode 105 and 106. Is this a problem with the originals or were errors introduced when I downloaded? Or maybe it's my PC. Slightly annoying but tolerable.

- Episode 102: You still have those D&D books? Just wondering.

- In episode 105 you mentioned that you were going to have lunch with the Boss - your first face-to-face meeting in 20 some years. I'm interested in how that went, if possible. Was the guy bitter at all or did he accept his computer-less fate. Is this "stay away from computers" probation permanent or did it end at some point?

- In episode 106 you promised a podcast on video game conventions. This is way back in 2008. You still need to do that. Actually, it was good that you didn't cover this topic way back then because now you have a lot more conventions under your belt and more funny stories to tell. In fact, with Brad's death, this might be the perfect time to talk about the video game convention circuit. also a good time to dedicate a podcast to Brad, if you want.
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Re: Do Over

Post by Flack »

ubikuberalles wrote:Once I did that, I uploaded all the YDKF to my Amazon Cloud player (I hope that's OK, Rob). Now I can listen to YDKF from either work or home without having to download the same episode multiple times. I can even listen to it on the phone, if I want.

Of course! I do similar things to other people's podcasts that I enjoy.

ubikuberalles wrote:A lot of clicking sounds in episode 105 and 106. Is this a problem with the originals or were errors introduced when I downloaded? Or maybe it's my PC. Slightly annoying but tolerable.

These were problems with the originals. I don't know if I ever figured out exactly what was causing the problem, but somewhere around that point in time I changed computers and microphones, one of which eliminated the problem.

ubikuberalles wrote:Episode 102: You still have those D&D books? Just wondering.

I do! The last time I looked I couldn't find my basic sets but I do still have all my hardback books. I also have all of them in PDF format.

ubikuberalles wrote:In episode 105 you mentioned that you were going to have lunch with the Boss - your first face-to-face meeting in 20 some years. I'm interested in how that went, if possible. Was the guy bitter at all or did he accept his computer-less fate. Is this "stay away from computers" probation permanent or did it end at some point?

The meeting did not happen. No real story there, it just didn't. The Boss has moved to a different local bakery that's pretty close to my work. Some day I will poke my head in there and say hi.

ubikuberalles wrote:In episode 106 you promised a podcast on video game conventions. This is way back in 2008. You still need to do that. Actually, it was good that you didn't cover this topic way back then because now you have a lot more conventions under your belt and more funny stories to tell. In fact, with Brad's death, this might be the perfect time to talk about the video game convention circuit. also a good time to dedicate a podcast to Brad, if you want.

The convention podcast might make a good one, although I'd have to find a way to tie it all together. I don't know that I have enough to say about Brad to do an entire episode dedicated to him but I would definitely mention him if I did a convention one.
Flack | |

Re: Do Over

Post by ubikuberalles »

Flack wrote:
ubikuberalles wrote:Episode 102: You still have those D&D books? Just wondering.

I do! The last time I looked I couldn't find my basic sets but I do still have all my hardback books. I also have all of them in PDF format.

Heh. Of course you have them in PDF format. I forgot who I'm talking to. :)

Have any of the Gamma World books in electronic format? I have the original Gamma World game book. It would be nice if I had it in PDF form.
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Re: Do Over

Post by Flack »

I do, I have a bunch of them in fact. I have pretty much all the rule books for Gamma World, Top Secret, and Car Wars in PDF. I have a lot of Star Wars RPG books too, but never really flipped through them. Then I have tons of D&D books including lots of modules (adventures) but I can't say "all" because it seems like they come out with a different edition every other week.
Flack | |

Re: Do Over

Post by ubikuberalles »

Just finished Episode 108: Multitrack Recording and am now listening to Episode 109: 1541 Ultimate.

Rob, ever thought about compiling your completed songs into an EP and then posting them on your web server? Perhaps add links to that particular podcast entry.

I'm not saying you should quit your day job or anything but I am sure there are one or two of your listeners who are curious enough to listen to your music. Heck, if you are lucky, Earl will convert your tunes to chiptune versions. ;)

Re: Do Over

Post by ubikuberalles »

Just finished Episode 109: 1541 Ultimate. Next is Episode 110: Floppy Disks

Toward the end of Episode 109 Rob lamented the fact that, although he thought it was really cool to have all those disks on the Ultimate, he missed that physical touching and viewing of the disks. The solution seems obvious to me: just take a couple of your old floppies and tape them on the cork board (or lay them on the desk) where you are using your Commodore. That way you can look at and touch the disks while playing Commodore games/programs.

Or you could put your 1541 Ultimate in a box that's shaped and painted to look like a floppy. ;)
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Re: Do Over

Post by Flack »

People have made some cool project boxes for those types of devices that look like miniature disk drives. I think that would be super awesome to attempt.
Flack | |

Re: Do Over

Post by ubikuberalles »

So the Do over has been...done over.

The "listening to the podcast at work" idea didn't last long and I eventually stopped. I got weary of the constant interruptions from customers and co-workers and quit. The last time I listened to YDKF in 2013 was when I drove to/from Tulsa for OVGE. September?

Fast forward to April of this year and I was staring at a long road trip to Milwaukee. Perfect opportunity to catch up on YDKF, I thought. However, I couldn't remember where I was on the YDKF track and I decided, what the hell, and started over again.

So I took all your MP3 files and burned 5 data CDs* out of them (4 and a third, actually. The rest of that fifth CD was filled with Earl's podcasts) and put them in my car CD player which can play MP3 files (awesome!). By the time I got to Milwaukee I was nearly caught up with where I was before. I think I had two or three episodes to go but that was was covered the first few hours on the drive back. By the time I got home I think I got to Episode 140: Reclaiming spaces. You'd think by the end of the trip I'd be tired of Rob's voice but I guess I wasn't.

At least two or three times a week I have a 25 minute drive from the west side of town to my house. During that time I take the opportunity to listen to more YDKF and I've been doing that since late April. Currently I am about halfway through episode 148: Modchips. That would mean I was done but No! You created two more episodes! I'm still behind. Not enough yet to burn another CD but I can put those on my MP3 player and keep the player in my car for the duration.

I was going to comment on a couple things but I think your listeners addressed those. For example, at one point you were beginning to repeat stories you told from your earlier podcasts. That was getting particularly annoying when you binge listen like I was doing. However, a listener complained and you stopped doing that (although you did redo your "security by minority" and "security by obscurity" lecture in your modchips podcast but that was necessary so no complaints from me).

Since I did binge listen everything from your podcast has become one big blur (or garbled hum since it was an audio thing and not visual) so I don't have any specific comments to post in this thread. If I remember something, I'll post it in the thread for the particular podcast in question. I've already done so, in fact (I still need to complete my thoughts about the BASIC programming podcast).

My next road trip is in August, to Tulsa. Hopefully you'll have enough new podcasts by then I'll be able to fill a new CD with them (knock on wood). However, listening to them on the drive home 2-3 times a week is keeping me up-to-date so I may not have to do that. Maybe I'll listen to ferg's podcasts on the road trip instead.

*Five CD's? FIVE? (OK, 4 and a third). Wow. That was my response when I burned all the YDKF episodes I had in April. After looking at the stats for those files, I can understand why it needed that many CD.s I now have all your podcasts in a folder on my PC and it takes up 2.91 GB. I filled a playlist on Winamp with YDKF and Winamp says theytotal a whopping 53 hours. Holy crap. That's a lot.
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