Phreaking notes

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Phreaking notes

Post by AArdvark »

Another great episode!

I posted this but can't remember where, it might have been on the telnet BBS...

I remember my friend and I being escorted out of the mall for phreaking a pay phone. This was late 80's..Probably 1986 or '87 and only worked for local calls. He learned this method of holding down the pound key with a thumb as soon as you picked up the handset, then alternating the number buttons with the pound key as fast as you could until you heard the number tone in the earpiece. He kept on alternating the pound key with each number like that until all seven numbers registered. He got really fast at it after a while, to the point where he could bang in a number just as fast as you could by spending a quarter. Very convenient. A mall security guard caught him doing it and marched us out the nearest exit. Very humiliating.

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