BLOG: Christmas 2021

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BLOG: Christmas 2021

Post by m00npie »

Around 4:30 this morning I rolled out of bed and tip-toed to the living room. Once there I unlocked the back door’s deadbolt, turning it slowly to ensure it would not make a sound. Before opening the door I pulled it toward me and then gently opened it to avoid making a sound. From the back of my workshop I retrieved a set of electronic drums we’ve been hiding from Mason, a custom lamp made out of a trombone that Susan found for Morgan, and a Bohemian lamp Susan had pointed out to me at a local antique mall that I had secretly gone back to purchase. I made several trips from the building to the living room in the darkness, carrying each gift to the living room and staging them around the Christmas tree. I can’t remember a year in which all of us were so excited to watch each other open the gifts we had picked out. Every single thing I opened was something that either made me laugh or made me smile. Mason got video game stuff. Morgan got an assortment of things. Susan got a towel and robe heater for around the pool. Susan got me a luchador bottle opener and the world’s smallest USB boom box. I got her a pack of suckers with scorpions in the middle and a pair of flip flops with fake grass on top so you can walk across hot concrete but it still feels like you’re walking in grass. We cackled our heads off. It’s been a stressful year. Even our vacations are hectic. It was nice for the four of us to sit down together in the living room and have a good time. What a great day. Merry Christmas to all. Similar Posts:

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