PODCAST: YDKF Episode 204: Boardgames

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PODCAST: YDKF Episode 204: Boardgames

Post by m00npie »

Spin the wheel, roll the dice, and get ready to play! On this episode of You Don’t Know Flack I talk about BOARDGAMES Link: RetroRewind.ca/spritecastle […]

Source: https://podcast.robohara.com/ydkf-episode-204-boardgames/
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Re: PODCAST: YDKF Episode 204: Boardgames

Post by AArdvark »

It's shows like this that bring back all the forgotten memories! I remember cheating at Clue by watching where the other players checked off their cards. If they marked near the bottom of their sheet I knew it was a room card they had looked at, the top of the sheet was a person and the middle was a weapon card.

I made up a list of board games I have memories of from youngest to oldest. This is while mowing the lawn.

Grey Ghost...A Confederate army board game from 1958 (probably be racist/hate oriented today) This was at my grandparents and I was too young to be playing it. I'd make up stories about the secret missions based on the pictures on the cards. Never really understood the rules. I think some pieces were missing.

Stuckey's...I didn't know it was a restaurant until years later. Again, this was a game at my grandparents, played a lot like Chutes and Ladders. My brother would cheat.

Which Witch...I liked putting the game together more than playing it. Assembling the game was a lot like those cardboard building models of the White House or Capitol building you bought in the DC gift shops. Gameplay was kinds simple. I'd get bored after five minutes and just keep dropping the ball to spring the traps.

Bermuda Triangle...This was kinda cool because I had read about it in those Time life books, you know the ones! After reading about it on the internet I see we never got the cloud movement part right. Oh well, the ships with magnets in them were cool.

Super Spy...This game took batteries and was pretty cool for what it was. Your playing piece had a magnet in the bottom and if you landed on a spot with the metal thingie it would sound a buzzer and you'd lose your turn or something. I took the magnet out of my playing piece and would always beat my brother cause the alarm would never sound on me.

The Inventors...Sort of like Monopoly but with a really cool dice rolling machine in the center. You put the dice in the hopper and push the plunger and they would spill out in a tray in the bottom and ring a bell. I built a beer opener based on it.

Careers...I played this at school. It was kinda fun, sort of like Life. After reading the instructions just now I see we never played it properly. Oh well, there was a lot of that.

Monopoly... I played this as a drinking game with my friends when I got older. If you got a bad card like Go To Jail you had to take a shot (or a bong hit). If you got a good card you got to tell another player to take a drink. I don't believe we ever finished a game. Some players would lost interest or just fall over.

I also remember a VHS game we played once when home video became a thing, I think it was called Nightmare. You played the videotape while playing the board game and a spooky guy would interrupt the game now and then with lame jokes and stuff. Don't remember much more about it. Kinda dumb, no replay value.

--honorable mentions--

Chess.. My dog chewed a bunch of the pieces when I was a kid so I painted them all with day-glo paint and accented the chew marks with contrasting colors. It was pretty cool looking in a black light. Never liked playing though, too much thinking.

Cards Against Humanity... for obvious reasons

Monopoly...the family version. We all picked custom tokens to play with and at one point I happened to find a pewter aardvark in a gift shop someplace and that was my token from then on. Still have it somewhere. After the boy got a job and had his own money we would play for a penny a dollar to make it interesting. I remember losing ten, maybe fifteen bucks to him the last time we played. I always sucked at monopoly.
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