BLOG: Did I Just Discover a Previously Unknown Star Trek TV Special?

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BLOG: Did I Just Discover a Previously Unknown Star Trek TV Special?

Post by m00npie »

One of my favorite hobbies (which I have previously discussed) is “digital archaeology.” I love finding, digitizing, archiving and sharing audio and video from the past that may not have mage the transition from analog to digital. I get great personal enjoyment from digging through old cassettes, video tapes, and even computer disks in hopes of finding something that got left behind, something that never made it to the internet and putting it there. To be fair, 95% of what I find already exists in some form. Most of the movies and television shows I find on old tapes have… (read more)

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Re: BLOG: Did I Just Discover a Previously Unknown Star Trek TV Special?

Post by k8track »

Hey Rob, I tried to post a comment on your blog page but got some sort of error message. Anyway, the perfect place to upload it is MySpleen!
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Re: BLOG: Did I Just Discover a Previously Unknown Star Trek TV Special?

Post by AArdvark »

This is so cool! It reminds me of the lost episodes of The Honeymooners. Where did you find the tape?
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