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YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: January 19th, 2015, 9:00 am
by m00npie
Title: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 14:38:00 +0000

Description: Listen. I know this sounds like a terrible idea for a show. It’s not as bad as it sounds, I promise. Just wait until you hear about all the fun I used to have printing things out with Print Shop! [Links] Link: Print Shop! They still make it! Link: TheLogBook write up about Springboard’s Newsroom […]

Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: January 19th, 2015, 10:24 am
by Flack
I don't expect this to be a popular episode, even though there are some good stories in there.

Did you do anything with old printers that I didn't cover? Let me know!

Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 2:29 am
by Felix
I thought it was a great episode. I listened to this on the second half of back to back with the 156 Every Computer. The two go great together. In my mind, they do blur a bit so I apologize covering both in this post. The story about accidentally printing in the department story was fantastic. It is great imagery.

My brother was the one more into computers growing up. I didn't take a real interest in them until the middle 90's. We did have a computer or two in the 80's, but my reflection of them are more fleeting. This is part of why I enjoy hearing about computers and printers from this time.

It's funny how printing used to be a big deal and now it is so common. I too remember printing cards and pictures. It was fun and exciting. It was as if printing something was beholden and precious.

The printer we had growing was under heavy guard, just as you touched upon. Even now, my parents make a big deal out of printing. If you want to see my mom rant and rave, go to her house and print anything. Although, it is perfectly fine for her to print an e-mail to read it to my Dad.

I have listened to every episode of your podcast and have enjoyed them all. It wasn't until recently I started commenting on them. I know hearing feedback let's you gauge certain things (and I am not knocking feedback or anything) but know that there are some listeners who love the show yet haven't commented.

Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 7:18 am
by fergojisan
Flack wrote:I don't expect this to be a popular episode, even though there are some good stories in there.

Did you do anything with old printers that I didn't cover? Let me know!

Brought one out to a field with some friends and hit it with a baseball bat.

But seriously, that Eye of the Tiger (Dot Matrix mix) was incredible. Another great episode, sorry your announcer took off though. :(

Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 1:07 pm
by Flack
Thanks, to both of you.

Now that I am hosting the actual downloads on HostGator I get a lot better statistics. Of the last 3 episodes, the lowest one was downloaded 1,500 times and the newest one was 1,800. That tells me ballpark how many people are subscribing to the feed. (Some of the episodes, like episode one, have 20,000 downloads at this point.) But of those 1,500-1,800, I might get half a dozen (or sometimes no) feedback. It is nice to get things back every now and then, even if it's "this sucks!" Trust me, I have made a lot of changes to the show throughout the years based on negative feedback.

And yeah Ferg, unfortunately, good help is hard to find -- even if it's digital. ;)

That Eye of the Tiger clip came from Youtube if I didn't mention it, and that same guy has done several other songs.


Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 3:40 pm
by AArdvark
An old JC-er gave me a laser preinter a while back. It was a retired office HP model that did duplex and collating and a bunch of other stuff. The thing must have weighed sixty pounds. I bought a long centronics cable and was able to hook it up along with my inkjet. Thing was, I never really used it much. The toner might have been low or something, I never checked, but it wasn't as crisp and clear as a laser printer should be. I called it Big Gay Al (everyone should name their printers!) after the South Park character. When we upgraded computers it moved up to the attic and stayed there until I threw it out the window.


Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 6:46 pm
by Flack
I hate when hardware just magically becomes obsolete for no reason. That HP 4L printer I had... I mean, Windows 8 is like 20 gigs in size or something. Are you telling me that they didn't have room to include whatever code is needed to allow this printer to keep printing?

Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: February 5th, 2015, 2:00 pm
by lethargic
The answer is.

When you spend all that time in AOL porn chat swapping pictures and you finally get a piece of gold like that you gotta use it for something.

Re: YDKF Episode 157: Printer Extravaganza

Posted: March 22nd, 2015, 1:09 pm
by KHoos
Printshop: good memories there. We had a neighbour with a C64 who let me and a friend (around the time we were 15 I think) use his computer and printer just so someone was enjoying his computer. We did some fun stuff with printshop but never overdid it nor started selling printouts :D .
In retrospect letting neighbour kids play with a computer in the house of a single man was a bit strange, probably started by the fact that his wife and kids moved out a year earlier.
My first own printer was a Citizen 120-D with a pull tractor feeder. I had a big binder with just the printed manuals from the BBS software.

Oh, and: great episode! Enjoyed it.