Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

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Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

This should be posted later tonight. I'll bump this topic when it goes online.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Felix »

Now, you're just teasing us!
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

Man, I am a big bag of excuses. :)

I got everything recorded tonight -- just need to edit it now (cut out all the "ums" and "uhs"). Susan is out of town this week, so assuming I can get the kids to bed early enough and have the energy, it should go online tomorrow night.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

Got everything edited tonight. I will have to put the mp3 tags in the file tomorrow and put it online, but basically it's done. I will be interested to hear your opinion of this episode.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

Episode 111 is Online.

Episode 111 is a lot about my old BBS, The Gas Chamber, and a little about my new forum, The Gas Chamber. It is not about real gas chambers at all.

You Don't Know Flack Podcast: [url=http://podcast.robohara.com]http://podcast.robohara.com[/url]
Episode 111: [url=http://podcast.robohara.com/?p=52]http://podcast.robohara.com/?p=52[/url]
Forum: [url=http://thegaschamber.robohara.com/]http://thegaschamber.robohara.com[/url]
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iTunes: [url=http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=3686042]http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=3686042[/url]
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by ubikuberalles »

I generally only listen to podcasts during road trips. I got caught up on the YDKF back in April which means I still haven't listened to Episodes 109, 100 and 111. CGE is coming up so it's about time to burn a CD. Since there is plenty of room in that CD for more, I guess I'll add Earl's stuff to the mix and whatever other podcasts I can think of.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by AArdvark »

My problem is the content monkey I have on my back. I grabbed all of Earl Even's retrobits episodes and
spent almost two months happily plugged into my zune. I got used to daily content so it's hard to wait a month for the next episode of YDKF. Mostly because they are so entertaining.

I'll take a 180 here on the 'needs more background sounds'. After listening to the Retroist series I find it mildly annoying.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

I have considered many time turning You Don't Know Flack into a video podcast. The biggest hurdle with this is the production time involved. From start to finish, not including writing time ... okay, screw it, let's include writing time ... it takes between 3-4 hours. That's 1 hour for writing, 1-1.5 hours for recording, and then 1 to 1.5 hours hours to edit it. For the most part I do two types of edits. The first is this:

Original: I, um, really uh, like Commodore computers, yeah.
Edit: I, [s]um,[/s] really [s]uh,[/s] like Commodore computers, [s]yeah.[/s]

The second kind is like this:

Original: When I was a kid, I ... Jesus, cat, quit jumping around! (BURP). Jesus! Ok, where was I. Oh yeah, When I was a kid, I ...
Edit: [s]When I was a kid, I ... Jesus, cat, quit jumping around! (BURP). Jesus! Ok, where was I. Oh yeah,[/s]When I was a kid, I ...

So really I just have to listen to it again and cut out all the annoying parts. I think that would be very difficult to do with video. Plus my video editing skills are rudimentary at best. I can do basic splices and multitrack audio but when it comes to overlaying videos or green screen or picture in picture, I have no idea how to do any of that ... so I just see it taking me a week's worth of editing to put out a show. And right now YDKF takes 4 hours and I only get around to it once a month (at best) so a week long project, I just don't see keeping up very often. Maybe I will have a year-end video program or something. :)
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by ubikuberalles »

You could still do a video blog with all those interruptions but you'll have to be creative with editing the video. You would need to insert a different graphic between cut otherwise we'd be seeing your head jerk around on each cut and it would be obvious to us, the viewer, that you edited the show heavily.

One technique I see often, when a reporter interviews someone, is a reverse angle of the reporter attentively listening and nodding her head. That reverse angle is there because the subject stuttered, made a long "um" sound, burped or said something they didn't want broadcast and they didn't want to show the sudden jump that the edit would show.

Obviously you are not being interviewed or are interviewing something so you would have to try inserting other graphics. If you did the latest podcast as a video blog you could insert pictures of the old BBSes, pictures of the computer that hosted it (or, if the computer is gone, a picture of a computer that looks a lot like it). Any picture would do that is relevant to the topic.

Heck, you could pretend your cat is interviewing you. Show lots of shots of Don staring at you and (maybe if you're lucky) nodding. The questions from Don would have to be subtitled, obviously, but that would add to the whole surreal aspect of you being interviewed by a cat. Hell, you could interview yourself, if you want surreal. Every time you need to cut the shot for audio, interject a reverse angle of you nodding and staring intently. Make sure the background of the reverse angle is radically different (darker, different picture, etc.) and you playing interviewer would be dressed different too (or porting a MArio mustache to fool us into thinking you're someone else).
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by AArdvark »

You should show all the takes and string them together so you jump around a lot! Now I have to do it just for fun!

Earl Green

Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Earl Green »

I'd just do a morph everytime there's an edit. It'd be both hilarious AND surreal, and probably more than a little disturbing in places. Hey, look, my face just melted into the shape of... my face!

Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by triverse »

Just wanted to chime in about episode 111. It was really interesting to me, I grew up with computers but we never could afford a modem till well after I moved out on my own (so I missed the whole BBS scene, though through magazines, I knew about it).

The part about Enter Magazine caught my attention since I am co-owner of a magazine preservation site and I am currently editing the first 17 issues of Enter (the first 4 have been released already). I am on #5, I believe it is the issue you were talking about where Enter covered the FBI crackdowns.

Great episode, definitely different than the other podcasts I listen to and definitely interesting.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

I have all the issues of Enter scanned in, if you want them.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by hexcrass »

Your podcast is hilarious Flack, you sure do have a lot of great stories :lol:
I wish I could have seen the first Gas Chamber, but it pleases me to be here at the new WORLD HEADQUARTERS.
lol it's good stuff man :)
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Felix »

I was out of town at comic-con and just am now catching up with what has been happening while I was away. This episode was great. It was funny to hear the article about the bbs vs. the internet. Also crazy about you getting your phone lines cut. Whomever did that must have been a nut. I can see arguing on a bbs or forum, but as you said, that take it to an uncomfortable new level.

Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by ubikuberalles »

Listened to it on the drive home from CGE. One comment: Holy crap! I didn't realize you've been putting Facebook (and Twitter) comments in Haiku format! Now I'm in the process of reviewing all your previous posts to confirm.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by Flack »

Well, not all of them ... but it's fun to sneak them in, kinda ninja-like.
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by ubikuberalles »

Maybe you could work in some other nerd word thingy. Try to work a palindrome in a Tweet. :D

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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by KHoos »

Another YDKF episode I enjoyed. Lots of good stuff there. Maybe you should put up the history of the gas chamber on [url=http://bbs.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page]the bbs wiki[/url] (and/or a webpage you control yourself).
Koos van den Hout, [url]http://idefix.net/[/url]
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Re: Episode 111: The Gas Chamber

Post by fergojisan »

I just listened this week. I didn't get a computer until 1995 and I totally missed the whole gaming/BBS era. Having said that, I really enjoyed listening to your stories about that stuff in this ep and the Copyfests ep too. I have a few more to listen to, I hope you're able to do more!
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