YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

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YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by m00npie »

Title: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 06:00:50 +0000
Link: http://podcast.robohara.com/?p=457

Description: The opposite of last week’s show, this week’s episode of You Don’t Know Flack is definitely non-technical. “The Creek” was out behind my house and I spent a lot of time playing and collecting stories out there. [Links] You Don’t Know Flack’s Official Forum You Don’t Know Flack’s RSS Feed You Don’t Know Flack’s iTunes […]

Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by Thalamos »

Man, Rob...I'm amazed at how much of your childhood was like mine. We used to run around in the woods and one of my friends fell down a steep hill. Was kind of the same situation as Andy and the bike crash. We were saying "Man, I think Mark's dead.", "I'm not the one that's going to tell his mom.", "Me neither!" Then Mark started moving around and we so relieved. A little that he wasn't dead but more that we wouldn't have to tell his mom....LOL

EDIT: Oh yeah...in our "Red Dawn" scenario, we were going to head out to the lake. There where several islands out there that would could base our operations out of.
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by Flack »

Haha, that's awesome. I think every kid who saw Red Dawn had some sort of plan "just in case." I had a BB gun, my foam nunchucks, some dull Chinese stars and a bow and arrow with a broken string. BRING ON THE COMMIES BABY!
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by fergojisan »

That line about Playboys in the Red Dawn section was one of the funniest things I've ever heard on a podcast. Thank God I wasn't eating or drinking anything when I heard it. Great episode as usual Rob, and thank you for the well-wishes email. :)
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by KHoos »

Enjoyed this episode! A great insight into how something can be a really important thing in your youth.
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by KeroroGunso »

Re-listened to this episode today. It made me want to see what the creek looks like. I did some Google earthing and found Lake Overholser. Where the heck did all you adventures take place? Put up some pics!

We had a creek and old railroad tracks behind our house growing up and had many a misadventure back there. Good times. Except for the yearly drownings. At least one kid drown in the swimming hole every year.
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by Flack »


That's the creek as viewed from standing on the Sara Road bridge, looking east. If you were to hop down in there and walk a couple of miles, you would run right into the lake.
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by KeroroGunso »

Cool! That's the same place you guys drove down in the middle of the night waking the neighbors and the bridge with 'Black and White TV'?

Here's our creek: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.2746713,-75.4551929,3a,75y,280.4h,72.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5sGCgU6R7JNr-fIblnu05Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

The view off the bridge shows the swimming hole where there was the yearly drowning and down a short ways was the train trestle older kids would dive from.

If there's water kid will play in it. We have a really tiny creek behind our house (about 2 feet wide and a couple inches deep) and my 8 year old son has been spending a lot of time down there building dams and catching crayfish.
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by Flack »

Yup, that's the one. The above link was from on top of the bridge, looking into the creek. From this link, you can see the bridge.


Ours looked more like yours (with trees and grass) before they paved it. I sure wish I had the forethought to take pictures of it with a regular camera back then. I don't have a single photograph of the creek before they paved it, and yet somehow I have 500 pictures from the last flea market we visited.
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Re: YDKF Episode 150: The Creek

Post by KeroroGunso »

Oh yeah... The lake isn't that far. It's amazing how much further things away seemed back then. If I would ride my bike down the old railroad tracks, it went right past my friends house. It was maybe 2 miles. But, it seemed really far. The best thing about having an abandoned railway line, no hills.

There are a lot of things I'd love to have pictures of from our childhood. That's the great things about modern technology, we can take pictures of everything. I really wish I could find pictures of our mall and Goldmine arcade from the early 80's. 30 years from now, all those pointless photos we take will be pure gold to our kids.

That's one thing I wish I did do, take pictures at the flea market. Some interesting stuff there. But it's way too early in the morning and not enough coffee.
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