>> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas

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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

So one of my New Year's Resolutions is to crank up production of You Don't Know Flack -- like, WAY up. I'm considering trying to do a weekly show. if I end up doing that I'll have to pare down the topics into smaller topics and crank out the production times which will end up with a lot less editing.

If you've been holding in topics you've been wanting to hear, now's the time to spit them out!
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by fergojisan »

You mentioned that you got a C64 in the mid to late 80s, were you on Q-Link at all? I didn't have a computer at home growing up; my HS friend had a couple of C-64s and he introduced me to Q-Link. We never played any C64 games, we just went in the chat rooms on Q-Link. I was absolutely amazed by it, especially when I bought something through it and it was actually delivered! If you have any stories about that I would love to hear them. :ugeek:
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

I wish I had some Q-Link or Compuserve stories. Unfortunately those things cost money and, if it wasn't free back then, I wasn't able to do it. A friend of mine had Q-Link and I saw it a couple of times over at his house but that was the limit of my exposure.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by fergojisan »

After years of relatively cheap broadband, I didn't even consider that. My friend was an extreme Commodore geek, but he also spent summers doing landscaping work and made a shit-ton of money to feed his obsession. I do remember us getting yelled at by his mother and sister for tying up the phone. If I remember right, he had a modem where the handset actually fit into it, is that right?
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

It's certainly possible, but that would have been pretty early on. I never had a modem like that back in the day. Our Apple II modem was internal and my C64 modem was external, but the phone line plugged directly into it. For almost as long as I can remember we had two phone lines growing up for just that reason. For a while when Susan and I were living in a mobile home, we had three -- one for incoming computer calls, one for outgoing calls, and one for voice. Eventually I expanded the BBS to have two incoming lines and I would dial out on the voice line when Susan wasn't around.

I do have two modems now that you put the handset on, but I bought them both in the past five years and I've never actually used one.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

Our newest forum member (Windlaufen) went above and beynd and sent me about 35 potential show topics!!! There were a few that I don't think would work for the current podcast's format, but at least 25 of them made the list! Thanks for sending those in, Windlaufen. Between that and what people have already suggested, if I manage to stay on track and record a podcast every week, I'm good through at least August!
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

Tomorrow's episode will be about Hohocon, a hacker convention I attended in 1994.

120 will be about, I think, MAME Cabinets. That's been a highly requested topic.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by obliterator918 »

I'm crestfallen. I thought you'd be talking about actual Ho Hos.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

120 ended up being about radio scanners. The next two episodes will be about MAME cabinets and thrift stores. I just haven't decided in which order I will record them. Since I'm doing one every week it's not as big of a deal.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

121 obviously ended up being about thrifting, a topic that was recently suggested by Ubik. 122 will be about MAME cabinets for sure. Expect it to be a lengthy one.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

122 (MAME Cabinets) and 123 (the CFFA 3000) are in the bag. Sunday night I'm always burned out by the podcast but tomorrow I'll have to figure out what next weekend's episode will be about.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

I had originally planned on doing #124 about the classic video game "720," but I'm going to roll that into a bigger skateboarding show so I'm now sure which topic I will tackle this week. One topic that was recently suggested to me was the video game crash of 1983, so I might try that.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by AArdvark »

Judging from the pix on Facebook this week's episode is going to be awesome!

The odyssey machine in front of the old timey coffee table thing made my day.

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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

I thought the Arkadia episode was okay, but not a lot of feedback on it so far. I'm going to do the video game crash as 125. I'm not sure what I'll do for 126 or 127 but ICJ suggested I talk about the Commodore 128 for episode 128 which makes sense.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by obliterator918 »

C128 sounds good. Look forward to that.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by obliterator918 »

BTW I listened to the Arcadia one. Not bad, though I was kinda rooting for you to go into the environmental.
Earl Green

Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Earl Green »

I went into the environmental. I almost couldn't get out of it again! People were SKINNY in 1983, man!

I guess if I'd been stuck in the game grid, that would've been pretty much just like the plot of both movies. Livin' the dream, man, livin' the dream... just not in the way I'd had in mind back in 1982.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

The list has been updated with 124, 125, and 126.

I think 127 will be about BASIC programming, and it makes sense to make 128 about the Commodore 128, even though I never owned one back in the day. Getting material for that one might be a challenge but it really has to be done.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by boatofcar »

I'd love to hear an episode about Atari 8-bits; then you'll have covered the trinity of 80's 8-bit computers. Did you ever have an Amiga?
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by AArdvark »

The real question is: How many Amigas does he have?

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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

Hah, well believe it or not I am down to one. I had three -- sold one A500 to Ubikuberalles and the other to ICJ. I am left with an A1200.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by boatofcar »

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Amiga! I've never owned one, and don't know too much about them.

Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by ladyjaye »

Will you ever do an episode on the videogame cons you've been to? You mentioned that subject in an early episode but never did get around to covering it. :)
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by Flack »

I'm not sure I would say about them. I've been to every OVGE and every OEGE. I went to one CGE.
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Re: >> You Don't Know Flack: Podcast Ideas/Status [STICKY]

Post by ladyjaye »

Well, maybe a quick rundown as to what to expect for people who've never been to one, how it compares to more mainstream geek cons (ie. comic-cons) and the like. Examples of some purchases you may have done there, good anecdotes about meeting with friends or experiencing certain events, etc. I do have to say that the best feature of cons like CGE is that guests tend to be far more approchable than in your standard comic-con.

Or expand the subject to other geek-related cons (such as Star Wars). For example, for classic gaming stuff, I've been to two CGEs so far (2005 and 2012) and Philly Classic 3 in 2002. I've also been to several Montreal Comic-Cons (both big and small), the first three PAX East in Boston, and was involved in all four editions of the Arcadia festival in Montreal (my friends and I ran the classic gaming section). I also attended the very first Otakuthon in Montreal and one edition of the FanExpo in Toronto (lesson learned: never share a hotel room with several people just to save some money -- that's fine when you're a kid in your early twenties, and far less fun when you're older).

Another solution: come to CGE this fall (Sept. 12-14, still in Vegas) and then do a podcast about it. ;)

Worse case scenario, have a guest like Earl (or anyone else who's been to a few or several gaming cons).
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