Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

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Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

Post by Flack »

Episode 114 is Online.

Episode 114 of You Don’t Know Flack is all about Arcade Auctions. In this episode I talk about my experiences of buying arcade games at auctions. I share some tips and tricks of the trade, including what to bring, what to look for, and what to expect. I have been attending arcade auctions for almost 20 years, and have purchased around 70 arcade games from auctions during that time.

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Re: Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

Post by Felix »

Did I just listen to an informercial for your book? I am, of course, kidding. I thought this episode was good and informative. You covered a lot of things that I wouldn't have thought of when attending an auction. I think it would be very difficult not to get caught up in the excitement and lose my head a bit while bidding.
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Re: Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

Post by Flack »

Yeah, I was hoping it wouldn't come off that way. I've been reading all these marketing books that say you have to promote your stuff every chance you get. I'm just not that guy -- I always feel uncomfortable doing it, especially in person. Via a podcast or a website it feels a little less cheesy, but only barely. A lot of what was in the podcast came from the book so I felt like I should mention it.

I've starting putting together some material for another one that will be called "Reclaiming Spaces" that talks about selling games and all the heartache that has caused. Maybe I'll take a break from the arcade theme for 115 and revisit it for 116.
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Re: Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

Post by AArdvark »

Like the background music. A good idea, keeps the podcast from being too 'dry'. I'm a big fan of old time radio so the only other helpful idea (to me anyway) is to add ambiance relative to what you're talking about.

wait I got an idea, brb


Imagebackground ambiance 01

Imagebackground ambiance 2

Anyway, you get the idea. I know it's a lot of work and probably not practical, but I had fun editing the clips. I got a mental image of you walking through a huge warehouse with a hundred foot extension cord over one shoulder and a flashlight in your hand...

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Re: Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

Post by Flack »

One of the first comments I got after posting this one was a request to remove the music.

I do agree that more topical sound effects would be good. Some of them don't really lend themselves to added sounds, but the ones that do, I'll try to add in.

PS: Those two clips were great!
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Re: Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

Post by ubikuberalles »

I thought Episode 114 was very good. I've never been to any kind of auction so I found your information useful. Your comments about the reality shows was funny. Sadly it's true: too many people think they are experts on something after only watching a reality show episode or simply reading an article on the web.

I tried downloading the ambience tracks above but all I got was this:
The file you're looking for either never existed or has been deleted.

Linky no worky. Me sad.
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Re: Episode 114: Arcade Auctions

Post by Flack »

The clips had a couple of different effects added. In the part where I was talking about auctions, there was an auctioneer chattering away in the background. When I was talking about walking through those wide, empty spaces, 'vark had added a thick echo.

It's a great idea -- one that I can't use on the next podcast, but a trick I've filed away in my back pocket.
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