IF: Hangar 22

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IF: Hangar 22

Post by Flack »

I haven't mentioned this on the blog because I'm sure there's a very, very small number of people who give a shit, but I've been spending an hour or so a day working on a text adventure.

The game is called Hanger 22 and in the game there will be tacos, a hot pregnant Spanish minor, some aliens, and an El Camino. I hope to have the game finished before Thanksgiving. When it's all done, it'll be free and playable in your browser.

The only person this is no surprise to is Ice Cream Jonesy, who I bug 900 times a week with simple coding questions.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Felix »

I look forward to it. Sounds fun and interesting
Earl Green

Re: Hanger 22

Post by Earl Green »

/me wipes away tears

You had me at El Camino.

Re: Hanger 22

Post by ubikuberalles »

He had me at tacos.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

This has been on the back burner due to the holidays ... maybe at the first of the year I'll finish it up.

One thing about text adventures -- and probably most games -- is that you can always add something else, whether it's a new puzzle or a new area. At some point you just have to say "this is the game", polish that, release it and move on to the next one.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

I moved this thread to the Projects in Progress area. I'm hoping to have this game finished by the week of March 7th. I'll be posting frequent updates here.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

All the source code for the game was on my old computer, so I fired it up last night (I knew there was a reason I didn't format it yet) and dragged it over to the new box. I also got Notepad++ installed and copied over Inform. This morning I installed WinFrotz, for testing purposes. I think all the pieces of the puzzle are there for me to pick up where I left off.

At one point I drew a "map" on my whiteboard of the game's locations. It's since been erased, but I'm pretty sure I took a picture of it. Now, to find that picture ...
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Looking forward to this! I am glad that it won the poll. Did my vote get counted in the poll? If it didn't, I would like to say that Hanger 22 kicked ayyyyusss without people even filling out the voting form right (me)
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

Your vote was so bad it clogged the Scantron machine and actually messed up other people's votes.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by ubikuberalles »

Will the taco crap ice cream? 'Cos that would be awesome.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

The taco will not crap ice cream, although it's not far-fetched to think the tacos might cause you to have to crap.

I didn't do any actual coding last night, but I did work on a couple of the "extras". The game will include a couple of e-mails and pictures and stuff -- nothing you need to beat the game, but just fun things to look at.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by ubikuberalles »

Flack wrote:The taco will not crap ice cream...

Damn! I was hoping that you'd give the ice cream crapping taco the name of Najix.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

It looks like I lost my maps and notes for the second half of the game. Hopefully, putting it back together won't be hard. I think I can draw it back out tonight.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

Well hot damn, I found the maps and notes. I drew the maps on my white board, and captured them at one point with my digital camera.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

Things are going good.

As I previously mentioned, the game is split into two parts: day one, day two. You have to finish all the tasks in day one before the game will let you proceed to day two.

The first half of the game ("Day One") is rough, but finished. I haven't finalized all the text, but it's 100% functional. You can play through the first half and get to Day Two.

What I find myself doing right now is fixing/polishing Day One issues instead of moving on to Day Two. My goal by the end of this weekend is to have "Day Two" functional -- by that I mean, all rooms and puzzles in place.

I like having some distance between when I wrote the first half and now. Last night I was able to work through the game and see what jokes work and which ones don't, what puzzles are harder than they should be, etc.

I've also added a HINT/CHEAT system to the game. From any room, you can type HINT and the game will give you a hint. For some of the harder puzzles, you can type CHEAT and the game will just tell you the commands. I put this in because, frankly, I'm pretty terrible at playing text adventures and would hate for someone else not to be able to finish mine.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

Over the past two days I have almost finished the second half of the game. I still have the final puzzle to program, but almost everything else is done.

I'm going on vacation next week, so my goal is to post a beta version online Monday morning and let people play test it for a week before I do a final release.

Also, a friend of mine pointed out that I've been misspelling "Hangar" for the past six months as "Hanger". Oops.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by ubikuberalles »

Flack wrote:Also, a friend of mine pointed out that I've been misspelling "Hangar" for the past six months as "Hanger". Oops.

Ooooooh...It's about an airplane hangar...I get it. I thought it was about a clothes hanger and hanger number 22 was "magic" and had special powers. ;)
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

Quiet, you.

I'd say the programming is 90% done. I hope to finish the last bit of coding up tomorrow evening, which will give me the weekend to tidy up a few loose ends. That will give you goons a full week to beta test it before I release it to the general public.
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Re: Hanger 22

Post by Flack »

I only got a response back from one beta tester. That person found several bugs, which I have corrected. Hopefully I can finish the game up this week and release it next Monday.
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Re: Hangar 22

Post by Flack »

ICJ ran through the first half of the game and found several bugs. I have fixed all of those, so things are looking good good good!
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le geek

Re: Hangar 22

Post by le geek »

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Re: Hangar 22

Post by Flack »

Although I'm still finishing up the last room, the game should now be playable from beginning to end.
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Re: Hangar 22

Post by Flack »

Bug reports are still coming in, although they've slowed to a trickle. I had six or seven play the game and send in bug reports. People found everything from minor typos to major game-affecting bugs, all of which have been patched at this point. I've got one more person I'm waiting on to play through the game; after that, I'm gold!
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