Attention, New Users!

RSS feed links to blog posts, podcasts, and more. This is the only forum visible to non-registered guests. Includes posts from,, and
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Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 9:42 pm

Attention, New Users!

Post by Flack »

Hello, and thanks for stopping by The Gas Chamber!

The Gas Chamber, named after my old BBS (which itself got its name from an Ice-T song), is a place where my friends and I hang out, chat, laugh, argue, and have a good time. Most of the members here at the Gas Chamber are personal friends of mine. Please treat each other as such.

All users accounts are manually validated. If you are a legit user and haven't been validated in 2-3 days, please drop me an e-mail and I'll get it taken care of. If your alias doesn't appear to have any vowels in it, the chances of your account going straight into the trash are pretty good.

As of 11/1/19, unregistered guests can only see this area (Rob's World). This is to prevent bots from indexing the forums and adding these posts to public search engines. By registering for the forum, users will gain access to 15+ discussion-filled forums. Won't you join us?
Flack | |
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