Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

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Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by Flack »

In Episode 109 of You Don’t Know Flack I discuss the 1541 Ultimate, along with several other solutions for loading D64 images on real Commodore 64 computers.

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Episode 109: [url=http://podcast.robohara.com/?p=38]http://podcast.robohara.com/?p=38[/url]
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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by dilbert »

:) rob this is a great podcast. Have you scene my post on the fourm? [url]http://jledger.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=retrobits&action=display&thread=3166[/url]
you have helped my with some of my gliches I think. ;)
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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by Flack »

Oh, haha, that's great!

I don't want to knock the x1541 cables -- they're great if you can get them to work. I'm afraid as time goes on though, it'll be harder and harder to keep them working. I never could get one to work with any of my Pentium machines, so I had to keep a 486 up and running just to use mine, and if/when that machine dies, I'm out of luck. That's one good thing about the 1541 Ultimate; it really doesn't rely on any other hardware, other than the C64's of course.

Gapporin (he's floating around here somewhere) just posted that he was able to get the 64HDD up and running (that's using the x1541 cable to connect to your PC and use your PC's hard drive as a Commodore hard drive). If you're interested in that, I'm sure he would help you get it running.
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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by Gapporin »

Flack wrote:I never could get one to work with any of my Pentium machines, so I had to keep a 486 up and running just to use mine, and if/when that machine dies, I'm out of luck.

Gapporin (he's floating around here something) just posted that he was able to get the 64HDD up and running (that's using the x1541 cable to connect to your PC and use your PC's hard drive as a Commodore hard drive). If you're interested in that, I'm sure he would help you get it running.

The 64HDD has a lot of little stipulations that you have to get just right or else it won't work. I think the two major problems for me were that 1.) It has to be run from real DOS; not Win95 command prompt, not DOSBox. And 2.) if you're using a Pentium computer, you have to use a special switch to make sure 64HDD knows that this is so. I'm using a Pentium I 166Mhz computer for 64HDD, so I have to use the "+p 166" switch. You have to specify down to the exact MHz or else it won't work.
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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by AArdvark »

This is the second time I have had to talk myself out of buying another commodore because of your podcasts.

It's the enthusiasm that does it.

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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by Felix »

I thought the podcast was great. It makes me want to bring out my Commodore. It also makes me want to buy the 1541
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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by Flack »

Just to clarify Felix, do you mean the 1541 Ultimate, or just a regular 'ol 1541? Because if you need a drive, I have like a dozen gathering dust and would love to send you one. Hell, I'd love to hand deliver you one.
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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by Felix »

I meant the 1541 ultimate. I knew I should have put the word in, but I was being lazy! Thanks for the offer though.
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Re: Episode 109: The 1541 Ultimate

Post by Flack »

I am going to come visit you this summer. When I do, I'll bring the 1541 Ultimate so we can play with it.
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