YDKF Episode 174: Cars

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YDKF Episode 174: Cars

Post by m00npie »

Title: YDKF Episode 174: Cars
Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 10:00:23 +0000
Link: http://podcast.robohara.com/ydkf-episode-174-cars/

Description: The podcast’s engine is roaring back to life with another new episode! On this episode I tell a few stories about the cars I destroyed in my youth. If I sound hoarse, it’s because I recorded half the episode and then Audacity locked up so I had to start all over. Even if you’re not […]

Re: YDKF Episode 174: Cars

Post by SCUMMawd »

Great Scott!

Listening now, your 5.0 Mustang (even though it had 160,000 miles on it) story makes me want to hop in a Delorean, reach 88 mph, produce 1.21 jigawatts, go back in time and do physical, bodily harm to you. Your friends (and your wife) must be extremely forgiving.
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Re: YDKF Episode 174: Cars

Post by AArdvark »

Best episode ever! Being lectured about buying a 'sensible' automobile and then buying a dune buggy, in November no less. I laughed myself into hiccups!

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Re: YDKF Episode 174: Cars

Post by Flack »

Yeah, probably not my most sensible purchase. ;) I remember I got a signature loan from Beneficial Loan Company for $2,400 ($2k for the car and the rest was interest). At a time in my life when I was making $5/hour I had to pay $200/month for two years. Major sucky life lesson learned.
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Re: YDKF Episode 174: Cars

Post by KHoos »

Listening to this episode made me feel sorry for your parents!
Koos van den Hout, [url]http://idefix.net/[/url]
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